Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blog about blog

There’s obviously a point in having a blog that has a purpose but there are plenty that don’t, and this is one of them. I found it hard enough to come up with a name for a blog that wouldn’t confine the content of what appears in it. It is for this reason that the following names were rejected:
  • The Technology Portal
  • What is hot and what is not hot?
  • Priest to Priest
  • My Blog about Dragons
  • Photographs of Photographs
  • How to breed Camels (without looking sick)
  • Nuns Against Sinning
  • My blog about stalking Steven Hawking
  • The Never Ending Days of Being on the Dole
  • How to seduce a Spaniard

Even though I just said that these names were rejected (implying that they were considered) the truth is that they weren’t considered at all. Why am I wasting your time with this then? Well here’s the reason – because I think you’re a waster! It’s time to wake up you slippery pig!

I didn't mean that. Don’t go away. 

One of the things about writing a new blog is that it presents the opportunity to consider constructing an online fake identity. I'm sure there are plenty of fake identity blogs out there. People pretending to be all sorts. Or even presenting, through the blog, "the real them" who they keep hidden in their everyday life. 

So it's tempting for amusement's sake to make a fake blog persona. For example I could be an engine enthusiast blogging about engines. Ah yeah...

“Now this engine, let me tell ya, it was one hell of an engine”

I don’t know anything about engines, so I guess people who know about engines would eventually just realise that I was being very vague, all the time. 

I once saw a shop that catered for men with large feet and it occurred to me that there are women with large feet who probably find it difficult to get nice shoes that fit. So I mentally invented a shop called Big Footed Women. I imagined what would be the fate of this shop in real life and it would be that it would go out of business because there aren’t enough big footed women around to keep it going, and they probably wouldn’t want to shop in a shop that was called Big Footed Women. 

My online fake identity could be of  the owner of that shop. I'd write about my struggling business and how I get slapped in the face on social occasions by attempting to get business by saying things like "Pretty big feet you got there".  I ended up not going down the Big Footed Women shop owner blog road; as Meatloaf sang “something, something, something, I won’t do that”.

I could pretend to be a woman that wants to be a priest though. Or, better yet, a priest that wants to be a woman. I’d hammer on about the battle with my conscience - “Why did you make me this way oh-Lord?” - And so on. That’d be a good laugh. Imagine the scandal that would erupt in the church if it became well known. I wonder if there really are any priests who want a sex change. I'm hazarding a guess that there is, just one in the world. But which one? Would he be allowed to keep his job I wonder? I’m sure there are laws against sacking people on those kind of grounds. Are priests even in trade unions?

Anyway, I decided to write, on top of this blog, a fake engine enthusiasts blog just to see if anyone reads it and what they say about it, if anything. I wanted it to be called “Engines, Engines, Engines” but that domain name is already taken (although not being used) so I called it “I Love Engines” and you can find it here.
